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Jury selection starts today in Trump trial.

Statistically the jury would include one or two Trump supporters, but don't count on it.

If everything was on the up and up, the statistical odds against the jury having at least one Trump supporter would be around 18% given the fact that 86.7% of the Manhattan voters voted for Biden. But given that the prosecution will likely know the Trump haters versus the Trump supporters, and they can just remove an allotted number of jurists for no reason, it is likely that they will use these "strikes" to take out anyone they suspect might be a Trump supporter. The jury questionnaire also seems to disqualify anyone who follows Trump or ever followed Trump on social media. But makes no mention of following any Democrats. It also asks up front whether or not a potential juror has any feelings on how Trump is being treated, which could effectively remove anyone who believes the charges are weak. Even the jury instructions are pro-prosecution.

Depending on how well all of this works and accurate Bragg is with his strikes, they should be able to make it very likely that the jury will consist of 12 Biden supporters. This is the same problem Trump would face in D.C. This concept is inherently unfair to anyone politically connected.

Trump was 100% correct when he called for a change in venue, as he cannot get a fair trial in Manhattan. The judge likely errored on that ruling alone, demanding that the motion was "untimely" (which meant that he did not rule on the merits).

On the flip side, the case is so weak that they may not even be able to convince Biden supporters that Trump is guilty. On paper it should not even pass the general motion to dismiss after the prosecution rests, unless there is some brand-new evidence of some actual crime Trump committed that nobody otherwise knows about. The only question is whether there are honest Democrats who will do the right thing and follow the law and not the political thing and find him guilty because of spite.



Unknown member
Apr 16, 2024

Our interest deduction fell off a cliff, barely over $4k this year and I had no idea.

It’s like they want you permanently in debt, I’m punished for not refinancing a loan that’s 6 years from being over.


Unknown member
Apr 16, 2024

good thing Trump raised the standard deduction.


Unknown member
Apr 16, 2024

Yep, 6 years left on our mortgage it’s all principal now. Kids are done, not enough medical expenses.

I hate them all.


Unknown member
Apr 16, 2024


Unknown member
Apr 16, 2024

$57,000.00 in Fed taxes alone? Ouch.

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