Just read an entire article that keeps suggesting that the Democrats could wait until Joe Biden is nominated, and then relieve him...

Apparently some people just don't get that once the DNC submits the party nomination to states, that many of them will not be able to change them just because the person running decided to drop out. Some states (like Ohio) have a 90 days before the election deadline. Many have a 60 days before the election deadline. Some have 45 days, and a few allow changes up to 30 days. But how many states does the Democratic Party really want the wrong name at the top?
There is nothing that allows the Party to just give Joe Biden votes to someone else. To vote for a different candidate, they would have to write in the name of both the President and Vice President, and do so correctly. If they just voted for the ticket with the wrong names, then that vote would be wasted.
Moreover, why would anyone believe it would be easier to push someone out of the Presidential slot, after they were officially nominated and that nomination was sent to the states? I wonder out loud how some of these people ever became journalists.
I would respect Harris much more if she would show the courage to do what she must. Biden is not fit to be president.