Starts with F-You and the horse you rode in on, and ends with if you do not like it, then challenge me at the convention!
“Now that you have returned from the July 4th recess, I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump,”
This still seems like the angry get off my lawn Joe talking. That being said, he spent the past several days campaigning and probably seeing adoring fans pushing him to go on. He even campaigned with the unusual Democrat John Fetterman in Pennsylvania, who is buying into the concept that the press and Democratic elites are wrong to go after dementia Joe. Fetterman may be right, but likely for the wrong reasons.
Is Joe being somewhat delusional if he believes he can still win the race at this time? Probably, just a bit. He probably does sit around the 15% chance that RCP betting odds show right now. In fact, I am guessing that many Democrats would take a 15% chance on Joe winning right now. Some probably believe the chances are next to nothing.
However, I believe that Democrats are fairly delusional if they believe that they can replace a sitting President four months before the election and not see fallout. Obviously there are still millions of Joe Biden fans (rank and file voters) who would be more than upset if the Party did something to actually push Joe out unwillingly. If Joe was to step aside on his own, and it did not feel like he was being pushed out, then the fallout would be minimal. But the actions of Joe Biden right now is making that "stepping down voluntarily" concept less and less likely. The longer he demands he is staying, the longer the odds become that he will step down voluntarily. We are moving close to two weeks "since" the debate at this point and heading towards the point of no return.
Tick tock, tick tock...
"Joe Biden has 0 events today Jill Biden has 3 events in 3 different states" / X
And look, what a light schedule...
Jill has 3 campaign events today. Joe has none. Says everything.
This is elder abuse, nothing less
Biden's odds of winning the nomination just shot back up to 50% on average, and over 60% in Polymarket. I think that continues to go up the longer he demands he is staying. Between the letter and the call in to Morning Joe, it is abundantly clear that Biden has not intentions of either stepping aside voluntarily, or entertaining any suggestions from others that he drops out.
Jill Biden deserves to take some heavy heat for this. She's become nearly as power hungry as Hillary.