We have the largest banking failure in 15 years and these fools are babbling on about climate change and racial equity...

So if we engage the "way back machine" we can recall when these two fools appeared to be the only economists on the planet who believed you can print trillions of dollars and not see inflation.
These were also the same fools who demanded over and over and over and over that the unexpected inflation was "transitory".
It obviously wasn't.
Now we are witnessing the economic collapse of the fake on-line crypto-currency as well as one of the largest banking failures in our lifetimes. Sadly, the powers to be from our crack pot Biden Administration are providing us with the same song and dance as they did with inflation. It is not indicative of anything large. It is a one time situation. Perhaps they can just suggest that the banking collapse is "transitory" just as inflation was. That should make us all feel better.
So what solutions do these Biden picked economic experts provide us in this perilous and fragile economic situation? Apparently it will all be resolved if we worry more about climate change and racial equity. Because nothing brings us back to Econ 101 more than climate change and racial equity. I say this because it is quite literally the only thing these clowns want to talk about if they are not directly being questioned about the real life problems that actually exist. Even when questioned about inflation, or banking collapse, or the market crashing, we will will still be told that everything is climate change and racial equity.
For the life of me, I cannot see how you can use climate change or racial equity to help your economy. What I can see is how you can misuse the power of the Federal government to manipulate the economy to assist in your political goals having to do with climate change and racial equity. Of course, manipulation of the economy to assist with racial equity is what led to the 2008 banking failure and the "great recession". While politicians did their best to blame George Bush (and many fell for it) - the political means do not change the economic ends.
The reality is that manipulation of our banking system by the Government for political purposes is doomed to massive problems. You cannot change the financial reasoning from well established risk analysis to a system of quotas and oversight focused on political motives without causing huge economic risks and preordained failures. If you allow the Government to step in and demand loans be given for green energy (that otherwise would not qualify) or demand that personal loans be dealt out by race (rather than risk) you are dooming both the borrowers and the lenders to failure.
This is not rocket science here folks. Much of this is little more than common sense. But unfortunately you cannot both be a hard core politically driven liberal and someone who abides by common sense. These two things appears mutually exclusive.
Silicon Valley Bank failed because they mismanaged their risk. Oh, and they been without a Chief Risk Officer for months. But that's not the best part. Their Chief Administrative Officer is the same guy who was CFO at Lehman Brothers. You can't make this stuff up.
So SVB was a very woke Bank. Let's see if all those executives who just sold millions of dollars in stocks are charged.
Hey you forgot Yellen made a surprise trip to Ukraine. And gave away billions of dollars more. Not sure about Powell... And so far the north of 100 billion flowing there has been unaudited. The big guy is making out like a bandit. Whoever that is...