So how can you investigate an event without actually viewing the evidence?
So the committee was not even mildly interested in what the tapes actually showed. Why? Because they had already reached their conclusions before they actually decided to "investigate" anything. This was not an investigative committee, it was a partisan hack committee designed to put on a political show.
Now the committee is upset that others are actually doing the job they didn't go and investigating what they refused to investigate. Apparently it wasn't just their exclusive right to set the narrative, it was their exclusive right to determine how much raw information that people should be allowed to see. From what we can gather, we were only supposed to ever see the 5-10 minutes of footage we have seen again and again and again and again. The other 40K hours were supposed to remain private because... well.... because it did not follow their narrative.
I wonder how long they keep her in solitary confinement without a trial.
Info on another terrorist that attacked ATL cops
Atlanta domestic terror suspect who attacked Cop City is trans daughter of millionaire North Carolina businessman who runs foundation managing $4 BILLION in assets and described as one of state's 'most powerful people'
James 'Jamie' Mariscano, 29, was among the Antifa rioters arrested Sunday night after burning construction vehicles and attacking police officers
She is an outspoken anti-police advocate with a history of prior arrests
Her father, Michael Mariscano, was previously heralded as Charlotte, North Carolina's 'most powerful person' for running a foundation worth $4 billion
Would anyone really expect them to do their jobs?
This is getting downright dangerous. Even Rome eventually fell. The USA can too if this doesn't stop.