And California still has two seats uncalled where they are still apparently counting more votes.

We are currently looking at three weeks post election and we still do not have clear results. The early voting in some states starts in September, and many start in October. California started early voting one month before election day, so they are now 52 days into this "election" and have not counted everything yet.
The court ruling from the fifth circuit court in New Orleans determined that the election needs to be completed by election day. Doesn't mean that everything has to be counted, but rather everything needs to be available to count on election day. No more waiting for several days or even weeks for mailed ballots. No more waiting for people to come in to "cure" ballots. If a ballot is not in hand and correct on election day, then it would not be counted. States can still start as early as they want, but they must be finished with the actual voting by election day. There is no extension of the election day, not by ten days, five days, or even one day. This is what the court ruled. Obviously that ruling is not currently in effect and will be appealed to the USSC, but what a day it would be if the USSC affirmed this ruling and we could end this nonsense.
Now this would not prevent states from just starting earlier. I might have a bit of an issue with states that start early voting in September, but starting early doesn't cause the issues that extending things past election day does. Most importantly it would literally mean that states would have nothing to do once the polls close except count the votes. Since all the votes are there, we would not be sitting around for days or weeks waiting as some county is only 50% complete with their vote count. There would be no excuse for it and even the largest of counties should be able to count these votes in a manner of hours rather than days. There will still be the bickering and arguing over various disputed ballots and such, and that could still cause delays in places. But at least we would know for a fact how many votes we are talking about and there would be no ambiguity about what would left to count. The Secretary of State in Pennsylvania for instance would not be able to give us one number on one day and then have it change to a larger number days later (presumably because of a large amount of late arriving mail in ballots).
You would think that these states (California, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, etc...) would understand that counting ballots weeks later is simply not a good look. Not sure when it became progressive to be ineffective in how you run your elections. The main job should be to get an accurate vote count as quickly as possible, and instead it seems that these states embrace any excuse they can to still be accepting and counting ballots long after election day. This makes people suspicious and draws a great deal of negativity even as some liberals demand it is just counting all the votes. You actually get the impression that some of these states believe that the negativity from people is a feature and not a bug. The more blatant that they can be in said confusion, the better job they must be doing. Weeks later I suppose their election workers (still working) are making fun of the fact that Florida finished the night of the election.
"President Trump won in a massive landslide. But somehow, magically, senate seats in swing states went blue in WI, MI, AZ, NV" / X
johnny maga on X: "Nancy Pelosi’s daughter has been on the ground “curing ballots” with a “volunteer army” in California and now two seats in Congress are about to flip blue. The election was 18 days ago." / X
End Wokeness on X: "BREAKING: Adam Gray (D) overtakes Rep. Duarte (R) by 105 votes in California-13 Pelosi's daughter is "curing ballots"" / X
...and most counties take great pride in not finishing till right before the deadline.
The "pride" they take is just a smokescreen for the fraud they're committing.
Consider the unmitigated gall it took to make ballot harvesting legal in the first place, essentially declaring to the world that they intend to steal the election, and they'll do it right out in the open, and there's nothing that anyone can do about it since it's "legal."
Mexifornian democrat pols are scum. Vicious, evil scum.