He wants to start his own digital subscription service. I am sure everyone here will be singing up!

So CNN officially offered Acosta the 2:00 AM slot. He officially declined. Now he is going to branch out on his own, much as Paul Krugman and other previously prominent liberal media personalities have done. Krugman is on Substack and you can purchase a premium membership if you want to know exactly what is not going to happen in the economy. Perhaps Acosta will join him there.
Personally I am not sure what Jim Acosta offers as an independent journalist. He made his fame by being an arrogant butthead at press conferences. Outside of that, I am not sure I have ever really watched anything he has done.
Comfortably Smug on X: "Open up the replies you coward" / X
End Wokeness
Reporter: "How many of the migrants that were deported have a criminal record?"
Leavitt: "All. Invading is a crime."
Let me guess...
Dear Diary,
Why has no one followed me or offered me new book deals?
CNN is still on?