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Is Trump suddenly seen more favorably than Harris?

According to Gallup, Trump is seen favorably by 50% while Harris is seen favorably by 48%

Now obviously it depends on the polling. If you look at the RCP averages, Harris has about a four point advantage in favorability. But those averages include polling from places like Ipsos which show Trump at minus 12. Now even those averages suggest that Harris has very little advantage compared to the previous elections. In 2020, Joe Biden held a whopping 17.7% favorability advantage over Trump. Hillary Clinton held double digit advantages as well earlier in the election cycle, eventually closing in at 8.4% in the end. So Harris' advantage right now is almost within the margins and they still appear to be closing. It wouldn't shock me to see them closer to even in two weeks.

Of course, favorability is only a small portion of the game here, but one that Democrats really should be winning. After all, Trump is an sexual predator, a business cheat, and a criminal according to court cases. Whether or not those court cases hold up will be another story. But as of now, they have three guilty verdicts from their lawfare strategy, yet their candidate is seen no more favorably by any margin. How poor of a candidate can you be when you are no more popular than someone with that track record? What has Harris done so poorly that she barely breaks even with a man who spent much of the past year unsuccessfully defending himself in court?

Well it also could be that Americans are simply smarter than Democrats realize and that most of them (who are not already suffering from TDS) are not buying into the idea that these lawfare cases are anything other than nasty political scams. It could be that they are simply viewing the two candidates on their merits as potential Presidents and not on whether or not the other side has accused them of crimes.


2 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
23 oct 2024

Yet, Morning Consult and Ipsos remain stubbornly in the Harris corner. No changes there!

But everything else seems to be moving right.

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Miembro desconocido
23 oct 2024

The trend is our friend!!!

And the Atlantice hit piece is quickly and thoroughly being debunked on X

October "surprises" have lost their clout.

Thanks X, if Trump doesn't win we may no longer have a country.

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