Not stepping in for election integrity may harm him on the national stage.

What portion of Democracy do the Democrats believe they are fighting for anyways? Isn't running a fair and "legal" election the entire point of democracy? Or is Democracy really just about what helps Democrats rather than what is fair and correct.
Right now, Josh Shapiro has election officials in four different counties who are refusing to follow the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court order as it pertains to counting illegal ballots. They are not hiding that they are doing just this, but are openly flaunting that they simply believe that they are above the law. The law doesn't matter because nobody follows it anymore? Well nobody except for the 63 counties who are following the law. Apparently those counties following the law are doing it wrong.
This is under your watch, Governor. Why so quiet? People are asking a lot of questions about this and you seem to not want to get involved. You are, after all, the Governor and supposedly a leading contender in the upcoming 2028 sweepstakes? Are you really going to allow these counties to break the law on your watch? This is not only under your watch, but it is something that is being watched by a large number of people.
Now are there enough of these ballots to flip the race? There doesn't appear to be. The race has closed over the past few days, but McCormick is still up by 18,000 votes. Even if those ballots somehow were able to change the results (which appear to already be in the counts), the PSSC would most certainly step in and reaffirm that they cannot be counted, invalidating these four counties' extra votes. If not, the PSSC, then there is already a precedent called Bush v Gore (remember that one) at the USSC level where it was determined that some counties counting one way while others counted another was a violation of the equal protection under the 14th amendment. So either way, this attempt to steal a Senate seat is destined to lose even if they found enough votes.
Why doesn't Josh Shapiro just put an end to it. He could, if he really believed in election integrity.
Pharma ads were illegal until 83
I thought so.
Thanks for that reminder, Cali.
Some cable companies are contemplating taking MSDNC off the air because of a lack of viewership.
Read VDH’s thoughts on this cabinet, it is GLORIOUS
And since Mr Cheryl Hines was announced as Health Sec. Pharma stocks have dropped
Big Pharma Stocks Drop After RFK Jr. Announced as Health Secretary
Ima ask my kids for glass case, for Christmas, that I can put on my coffee table with a tinfoil hat inside.
Eveytime someone says the gubment wants to help, I’ll just point at the hat
Stunning Revelations in Massive Robert Koch Institute Leak
Breathtaking November 2 presentation in the German Parliament
A massive leak of internal e-mails and memos from Germany’s Robert Koch Institute (federal agency and research institute for controlling infectious disease) reveals that the institute's scientists understood that virtually every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic response was NOT guided by science, but by political machinations to spread fear, control the population, and promote the experimental vaccines. On November 2, 2024, Professor Stefan Homburg gave a presentation on…