Political lines have been drawn on the issue of cryptocurrency

So yes, if you have any understanding, any investment in, or say anything good about crypto, well then you are a MAGA republican who is destined for bankruptcy when the entire crypto market collapses into nothing. You can invest in almost anything else, and it is considered a sounder investment than crypto by the standards of most liberals. Even the legendary Paul Krugman has gotten into it on his substack account with two recent posts suggesting that crypto is just for criminals and then another where he compares it to gambling. For once I might agree with Krugman when he suggests that the same people investing in crypto were also big on the meme stocks like GameStop and AMC. But then again, a shitload of people made a shitload of money proving guys like Krugman wrong about short squeezes and the power of the retail investor. Who's to say these same people won't be right about crypto as well? More to the point, if Paul Krugman is against it... well...
Personally, I have a small investment in crypto, which I acquired fairly recently. With the new Administration coming in pushing crypto, Elon Musk pushing crypto, and investment firms like Black Rock talking about tossing trillions into the crypto market, it seems like now might be the time to take a look at it. Another way to look at it would be... if the Trump family, JD Vance, and Musk all own crypto, then why shouldn't I? They probably know more than I do about how to invest. I actually know a few people who are pulling from other investments and tossing it all into crypto and even have relatives who have told me that they have five figures worth of crypto coins. I am not quite there in terms of moving money out of my retirement investments and into crypto, but there is definitely a historical upside to the market and no doubt it is here to stay. I feel like a small investment in some coins with upside is not unwarranted, even if that makes me a MAGA fool who is just gambling.
But all of this really makes me wonder why everything has to be liberal vs conservative. Does not liking Donald Trump or Elon Musk somehow make them bad businesspeople with no idea how money and investments work? Does the internet troll really believe he or she is smarter than they are when it comes to money? I swear if Trump declared the sky to be blue in an executive action we would suddenly have scientist all over the world bending over backwards to prove him wrong.
Will Hild on X: "🚨 @Tether_to is currently facing an imminent ban in Europe, over their lack of transparency and unwillingness to comply with European regulators. The deadline is December 30th and the implications, if they fail to open their books, are massive... I’ll explain 🧵 $USDT https://t.co/ooQMRknSf5" / X
Off topic, but this seemed to resonate with me for some reason...
I stuck my toe in the water about 6 months ago buying into an ETF (BITB). Wish I had jumped in fully in hindsight but I don't feel comfortable trying to assign a value to Bitcoin, let alone any other crypto. Saw your comment on roger, sad but not unexpected. We all will share that someday.
I have a lot to learn about crypto, and I may never accumulate the knowledge or the courage to take the leap. Good luck to those who do.