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In Florida if you block traffic, you get pulled off the road and arrested

Stark contrast to leftist cities where protesters are allowed to do whatever they want at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

You might have heard about the Golden Gate bridge being shut down for several hours because of protesters. Traffic to the airport here in Seattle here was also shut down for some time because of antisemite protests. In fact, several cities saw major roadways and bridges blocked for long periods of time during rush hour. But in Florida traffic was cleared in less than 15 minutes and protesters were arrested... as they should be.

Now granted, San Francisco and other cities also made arrests. But not until after they were allowed to make their point, and who knows if arrests will lead to charges. Liberal prosecutors in those jurisdictions are loath to upset their liberal constituents.

But it wasn't just how Miami police were able to clear the street so fast, it was the fact that they tossed around protesters like they were in an all-star-wrestling match. They didn't stand around looking at them, trying to figure out how to get them to leave without any physical confrontation. Nope. The physical confrontation was a foregone conclusion, and police were not receptive to the faux cries of those who were being pulled from the street. This is the way it should be.



Unknown member
Apr 16, 2024

Glued their hands to a car or the pavement?

No problem.

An instant and excruciatingly painful amputation would be in order. On the spot, no anesthesia. Complete with a barbed wire tourniquet.

Do that to a few of these fucksticks and the rest probably think twice before doing same.

Or just hit them at about 60 mph and we get to see just how strong that glue holds.


Unknown member
Apr 16, 2024

It should be legal to run these assholes over. Turn them all into fucking road pizza. Then scape them off the blacktop and dump them in the landfill.

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