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I have a dream too...

That people still cared about MLK's dream...

Any semblance of what Martin Luther King stood for has been swept away over the past decade or so. We now have a black community that pushes for segregation. It is now usual to have all black dorms on college campuses. Have separate orientations based on color. We judge everything on color and nothing on character.

Over the weekend Fani Willis made a fool of herself by going to a black church and demanding that all of the controversy surrounding her was because she is black and because of racism. As Martin Luther King would suggest: we should judge people by the content of their character. Willis was having a sexual affair with her married co-worker, who she then made lead on the case against President Trump in spite of this person having no practical experience with any racketeering cases what-so-ever. What do these actions have to do with race? Nothing. But given our current climate, race is suddenly all that matters.

This would be "my dream". That we stop demanding that black people who do bad things should not be held accountable because they are black. You do continuously do bad things, then you are a bad person. Your skin color has nothing to do with this.



Unknown member
Jan 15, 2024


Unknown member
Jan 15, 2024

At least Fani wasn’t at Ebenezer making her outrageous claims

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