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I am offended, but you are a bigot.

Ever notice that our society caters and conforms to the desires and offenses of sensitive snowflake children, but if the adults become offended it's because they are racist, bigoted, or something.

Let's start with current events, shall we. Certain Minnesota liberals were "offended" that the Minnesota state flag depicted a native American sitting on a horse. This flag has been in uses for 170 years and being from Minnesota I never heard anyone complain about it. But from what the Star and Tribune and Democratic lawmakers would have you believe, the outrage about the "controversial" flag (and state seal) has been an going for "decades".

The seal originally dipicted a Native American and a White Settler together (to show unity) with the state motto in french which could be loosely translated into "I wish to see what is beyond." That logo was later changed to L' Etoile du Nord or "the star of the north". Critics now talk about poems and other things seemingly unrelated to the state seal that sugggested many at the time believed there was some devine purpose for White people settling in the land. Even though the seal doesn't reference any of this, the seven degrees of separation is easy to find for those who always see racist problems with everything.

Either way the new outrage over any inclusion of a Native American on a Minnesota state seal or flag was suddenly seen to be so overwhelmingly justified that it had to be rectified beause we could not allow anyone to be offended.

Now it has been pointed out that the new State flag looks remarkably similar to a Somalian flag associated with Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar and where her father grew up. Given that there are nearly 100,000 Somalian migrants living in Minnesota, there has been some immediate criticism that Minnesota is trying to wash away the history of Native Americans who lived (and still live) in Minnestoa and replace it with a reference to Somalia and the growing Somalian population in the state. But already, these criticisms are being seen by the left as racist and bigotted against Somalians. Just shut the hell up is the message.

So if you are offended because you see a Native American on a horse, you are a good person who is pointing out a horrible injustice. If you are offended because the Minnesota state flag now looks like a Somalian flag, you are a racist. See how that works?

Think about it. You are a liberal who attacks a native American child for wearing an Indian headdress at a football game, you are "woke" and "correct" for pointing it out. You don't like the idea that a lifelong criminal has a statue of him in Minneapolis, well you are a racist. You attack a white teenager for carrying a gun to a riot in Wisconsin, you are justified in your attacks. You point out that the people chasing and attacking him are all criminals, then you are against Black Lives Matters and must be defending him because he is white and you are a racist. You don't like someone who carries a gun, well you are enlightened. You don't like the idea of a drag queen rubbing his genitals in the face of your 12 year old child, and you are transphobic.

I could keep going on and on and on... but the reality is simple. Every liberal or child believes that every little thing that offends them is evil and they are justified to use all means to attack it. But the only reason an adult or conservative is ever offended is because they are racists, phobic, or some sort of bigot and just need to suck it up and live with it.

What is the real difference between that person driving a pickup with a full gun rack, wears jeans, flannel, and work boots and rises the hairs on the back of the neck of the average liberal versus the person who dresses up like the opposite sex and might offend some conservatives? The fact is that both people are just living life in the manner that they are comfortable living and the idea of tolerance is to accept that. Contrary to popular belief, neither tolerance or bigotry has a political, social, or religious affiliation. It is an abstract ideal.

But good luck trying to explain this to the modern liberal.



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