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How long have some of us been saying this about new science?

As the elites (elitists) in academia are moving away from support of the scientific method (consisting of systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses) to “non-traditional ways of knowing,” there has been a corresponding collapse in Americans’ trust in science and scientists. This trend is a marked turnaround from the respect once held for scientific institutions prior to the covid pandemic.

Go figure? Now this has long since been an argument between the left and the right on this subject. To be clear, no liberal ever cared about science until "global warming science" became a thing. Because liberals lack the fundamental understanding of science, they then took on the position that you had to listen to particular people, or you were anti-science. Certainly, they could not be bothered to do any research themselves, consider opposing views, or think at all.


Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, or even Leonardo Decaprio are now people you must trust regarding climate or other science, or you are apparently "anti-science" or even a "science denier". Sometimes even a Nobel Prize laureate scientist is deemed to be a "science denier" if the scientist in question disagrees with the politicians and celebrities. Look how many of these scientists with opposing views are simply cast out by other scientists who demand that they cannot be challenged. Unfortunately, that is how liberals view science. The person with the most social media followers or who follows the woke crowd must be telling the truth. Even if they are not telling the truth, it is still who we need to listen to.

Furthermore, the very fundamental concept of science is dissolving from within, as portions of the scientific community start to openly incorporate politics into the mix.

Scholars at Concordia University are working to decolonize light — “advancing other ways of knowing about light, science and physics.” Courses will be developed in conjunction with Native scholars to “elevate” indigenous knowledge … while “Eurocentric” science is “de-centered” and “scrutinized for its alleged past and present contributions to colonialism.”

Not even really sure how this type of thinking can be considered "science". It seems like literal science denying, based on the criteria of who discovered it. The reality is that science is science is science is science, and it doesn't matter who discovered it and who used yet for their advantage. You cannot just pretend it no longer applies because it was a White European who discovered something and that the use of that might.

But is any of this any different than moving away from the very standards that makes science so solid? Of course, by doing away with that pesky Scientific method (which requires you to prove your hypotheses), science can now become what liberals are much more comfortable with: unproven opinions that can be argued to death on social media and deemed true or false based on the latest ABC/WaPo poll.

The reality is that there once was a time when it was only dumb people who would not accept science. You know, like flat-earthers and people who thought gravity was a hoax. Now it would appear that science is now preying on the dumb, and now losing the smart. The 21st century thinking is that you must first make certain interest groups happy first, and then with whatever is left over, you can maybe apply some actual science as long as it doesn't offend anyone.

Here in Seattle the popular sign to display in your front yard is the one that tells us that Science is real (among other things). What they really mean is that the ideas pushed by Al Gore and Greta Thunberg are real. Ask them if they believe in the science of biology where life begins at conception and chromosomes determine male or female and I promise you they will not accept biology as real. They will likely argue that biology is one of the bigoted racist sciences that we need to do away with because that is where we are at these days. They believe you can ignore actual settled science, while chastising others for not listening to unproven hypotheses pushed by politicians and celebrities.



Unknown member
Feb 19, 2024

and he gets to vote...


Unknown member
Feb 19, 2024


You really don't believe in science. You would have opposed Polio vaccines in 55. Elvis Presley got the people who were not nuts like you did.

What in the actual fuck is he babbling about NOW?


Unknown member
Feb 19, 2024


You really don't believe in science. You would have opposed Polio vaccines in 55. Elvis Presley got the people who were not nuts like you did.


Unknown member
Feb 19, 2024

$104,000/year minimum wage, huh?

Some of us had to work most of our lives to achieve a six figure salary. Now we are supposed to give it to the guy who gets your order wrong at Taco Bell.


Unknown member
Feb 19, 2024

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