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Hillary suggests the reprogramming of Trump supporters?

I guess if they were not smart enough to vote for her sorry ass, then they need to be forcefully changed from their political opinions.

“Sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure. He’s only in it for himself. He’s now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions. And when do they break with him? Because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members, but something needs to happen.”

Yeah, Sure. We've all seen movies and television shows where the government decides to deprogram citizens. Those governments are always evil and the citizens are always patriotic rebels fighting against corruption. In this case, art imitates life or possibly life is trying to imitate art.

This is what I don't get. Since when has it become considered "liberal" to determine that the government needs to tell people how to think or what they can believe in or who they trust to actually run things? This is "always" about staying in power and protecting themselves from being exposed for what they truly are.

If Democrats were really the party of the people and really looking out for everyone, then they would have zero issues with transparency. They would be open and honest and not try to censor opposing voices, strongarm the media, or demand that people be "deprogrammed". It is simply impossible to be both on the side of the average citizen while simultaneously suggesting that they (the government) must be allowed to control the average citizen.

How dumb does an average citizen have to be to think it is in their best interest to allow others to control their own thoughts?



Unknown member
Oct 07, 2023
And just like that the real meaning of the Second Amendment becomes crystal clear.


Unknown member
Oct 07, 2023

“One Soviet technique of oppression was to declare that dissidents were insane. They were then incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals where they were tormented and tortured. Some were used as human guinea pigs for dangerous experiments.” For example, Vladimir Bukovsky “spent a dozen years being shuffled between Soviet jails, labor camps, and psychiatric hospitals.”
One of the “therapies” was “putting a cord into Bukovsky’s mouth, threading it from his throat up through his nasal passages, and then drawing it out through one of his nostrils. Alas, this communist ‘treatment’ did not ‘cure’ Bukovsky of his rational (not irrational) abhorrence of tyranny and brutality.”
The type of “formal deprogramming” Clinton seeks could be promoted as public health issue and imposed under th…


Unknown member
Oct 07, 2023

When this evil cunt dies I will make a special trip to her burial site to shit on her grave.


Unknown member
Oct 06, 2023

Whatta bitch

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