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Harris suggests "price controls" on groceries as a means to both lower costs and turn us more communist

Grocery industry has been running a net average profit of about 1.6% which is much lower than the average of 8% across all industries.

Harris is serious alright. Serious about pandering to potential voters with horrible economic plans that might sound good in an campaign ad. But there is no means where you can offer government control of grocery prices and hope to also leave our economy in tact. Every little things about this sort of plan is doomed to not only fail, but likely backfire.

At issue here isn't Harris actually trying to come up with a way to lower the cost of living. The idea is that out cost of living is rightfully being blamed on inflation, and Harris would like to offer that you should instead blame it on corporate greed and price gouging. This is designed to take Democrats off the hook for inflation and the cost of living increases, both as a means of being blamed and as a means of having to do something about it. As it stands, pretty much their entire platform is at it's core a tax and spend agenda that has no other choice than to push inflation. They will need to continue to blame something other than their policies. Corporate greed is as good as anything to blame!

In a world where we had an objective media and a reasonably smart and informed public, this sort of nonsense would be laughed off as a bad joke. But given the media is doing everything in their power to get Harris elected, they will probably roll out some fake experts who will lie through their teeth and tell us how this could work. How bad do Democrats actually have to destroy the economy before voters have had enough? Are we really going to put the blame on Kroger's, Target, and Walmart for not taking "more" losses to help Democrats not look so bad?

Along with trying to rekindle the great recession of 2008 by once again offering Government oversight and control over who buys houses, the Harris agenda seems to be on the track to really destroy capitalism once and for all! They probably won't get it done with these two ideas, but I am sure they can scare up some more doozie over the next few weeks.



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Aug 17, 2024


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Aug 16, 2024


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Aug 16, 2024

Best description of the Harris poll bounce:


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Aug 16, 2024

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Aug 16, 2024

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