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Harris campaign blames Trump for bad jobs report

You cannot make this shit up folks!

The DJIA dropped over 900 points last week, the job market is unexpectedly weakening with only 115K new jobs created, and economists are starting to talk about another recession. This is a bad omen for the Party in power for an upcoming election. What did the Harris campaign say in response?

"Donald Trump failed Americans as president, costing our economy millions of jobs, and bringing us to the brink of recession," Harris for President spokesperson James Singer said in a statement. 

Perhaps someone should remind Harris and her team that Joe Biden has been President now for over three and a half years, and she has been riding shotgun. Trump is not the President and has not been responsible for the economy for that same period of time. But this is the strategy for the Harris campaign. Blame the Covid economy on Trump and make people think nothing could have been done over the past four years to change it, so, you know... it is all his fault.

How many people in this country are really going to accept that the blame for the poor economy is actually on Donald Trump? I have yet to see a poll where a majority of people believe Harris will do better on the economy than Trump.



Unknown member
Aug 04, 2024

“How many people in this country are really going to accept that the blame for the poor economy is actually on Donald Trump?”

People befuddled by this


Unknown member
Aug 04, 2024


Unknown member
Aug 04, 2024


Unknown member
Aug 04, 2024

How many people in this country are really going to accept that the blame for the poor economy is actually on Donald Trump?


A good friend of mine claims he's "not political" yet his girlfriend get's 100% of her news from MSDNC, and he believes every fucking word of it.

So yes, the answer to your question numbers in the millions.

This is what has happened since the left's "long march through the institutions." They've corrupted every single information outlet from our public schools to our colleges and universities to our mainstream media. Imbeciles like the alky believe this shit because "everyone" is reporting it.

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