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GOP congressional hearing on FBI politicization will include up to 19 whistle-blowers

Going to need a lot of popcorn folks.. this is going to get good!

Members of the House subcommittee on the "weaponization" of government held their first hearing Thursday and heard from witnesses about a dizzying array of alleged abuses that could fall under the panel’s jurisdiction.

Censorship, politically motivated criminal inquiries, illegal leaks to the media, and Hunter Biden’s business dealings all emerged as points of discussion in a broader look at what, according to the panel’s Republicans, has plagued the federal government.

We all know that there are out to lunch liberals who actually still believe that the FBI and DOJ are objective non-partisan honest fair minded public service who generally wear halos and all have hearts made of candy and pump soda. Of course, many of these people are locked up with people who believe they are famous musicians or probably will be locked up some day.

Apparently they still believe that Hunter Biden did not do anything wrong and is really the smartest person anyone knows. Which is why he was hired at $50,000/month to sit on a board of a Ukrainian energy company. They still believes that 40,000 people all came to DC to overthrow the Government. They still believe that the FBI and DOJ has treated Trump and conservatives exactly as they treat Biden and liberals. Other than they believe it is justifiable to argue that a person carrying a sign in favor of Trump should be shot on sight, while being an Antifa thug who attacks police should be bailed out of jail by Kamala Harris.

Of course, they will completely ignore the hearings and will demand that the FBI whistleblowers are evildoers who need to be cancelled, shut down, and possibly arrested. Whatever comes out of these hearings is already a lie (they just know it) and just more proof that all Republicans and conservatives are evil!



Unknown member
Feb 11, 2023 MESSAGE... If his testimony is direct evidence, Garland file changes for the first time against a former any President. Your fascit rhetoric will not matter.

Funny... he apparently doesn't realize that Smith (not Garland) would be filing charges and that decision would not mean diddly squat without conviction. If they charge and lose, that would be he biggest piece of partisan crap we've ever seen. Everyone associated (including Garland) would have to resign in humiliation.


Unknown member
Feb 11, 2023

Enjoy your irrational life with your beautiful wife as an Asian woman got threatened by people like rrb etc.

Cray cray Alky Fetterman is mistaking me for a black guy. Up here, especially in NYC, the attacks on Asians are coming exclusively at the hands of BLACKS.


Unknown member
Feb 11, 2023


Unknown member
Feb 11, 2023

The Chinese are testing dementia joe

Having their way with him is more like it. This is exactly why they wanted him to 'win.'

The Chinese Communist Party was pulling for Joe Biden to win the 2020 presidential election, according to former president Barack Obama's ambassador to China.

Max Baucus, who is on the payroll of several CCP-connected firms, said in an interview with Politico published Friday that CCP officials were optimistic about Biden softening relations between the United States and China.
"I had some very good Chinese friends—high up in the government—and I talked to them before the [2020] election, and they said they hoped Biden would win the election and not [Donald] Trump," Baucus said. "Why? Because they…


Unknown member
Feb 11, 2023

More on the media. They knew that Fetterman was completely unfit to be Senator. They didn't care, didn't cover it. Anything to elect a democrat.

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