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Feel good story! Good guys rewarded!

Fraternity decides to protect American flag from antisemite hate rioters who wanted to replace it with the Palestine flag. A go fund me type page has raised over $300,000 for their cause!

Enduring insults, middle fingers and flying water bottles, about a dozen fraternity brothers stood their ground around the American flag at the University of North Carolina on Tuesday.

“These people wanted to tear down the flag, and we were there to protect it,” Pi Kappa Phi member Brendan Rosenblum told NewsNation’s “On Balance.” “Me and my friends did not allow that to happen.”

The video of the fraternity brothers protecting the flag attracted hundreds of thousands of views on multiple platforms, inspiring someone to set up a GoFundMe page for the fraternity brothers.“Throw ‘em a Rager,” the page reads. As of Thursday morning, more than 11,500 people had donated a total of more than $377,000.

Is it a surprise that these cowards only cause damage and destruction when they are unimpeded? Of course not. Do they have the numbers to overtake a frat house? Likely. But can they do it without getting their hands dirty and some of them getting their asses kicked? Nope. Which is why the cowards are not doing anything.

Either way, it shows a lot about how real Americans feel about what is taking place on college campuses these days. They want someone to stand up to these people, and absent of anyone else doing it, we have other students.

The sad thing about this is that it is almost inevitable that the college administrators will eventually step in and disperse the frat house students and probably punish them for protecting a US flag.


11 comentários

Membro desconhecido
02 de mai. de 2024

Membro desconhecido
02 de mai. de 2024

Whaaaaa? Did the Taliban rise up militarily and turn Afghanistan into a archaic Islamic state under Trump? Did Putin invade Ukraine causing half million casualties and billions in damages under Trump? Did Hamas attack Israel starting a war under Trump? Did all of the campus violence take place under Trump?


Membro desconhecido
02 de mai. de 2024


Membro desconhecido
02 de mai. de 2024

That's hilarious... but yet, true!


Membro desconhecido
02 de mai. de 2024

"So, what kind of food are you asking for?"


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