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FBI and DOJ pretend and then pretend a little more

The FBI removed document from locked storage facility in Mar-a-Lago, spread them out on a hallway floor, took pictures, then leaked the pictures. Biden had documents in a closet in an office and the authorities suggested that they were actually in a securely locked cabinet.

When news broke that Joe Biden had been illegally keeping classified documents at Penn Biden Center, many wonder when the FBI raids would begin. That became an even more prudent question as more and more troves were discovered, including one in the president’s garage. After all, direct FBI involvement was the standard set when dealing with former president Donald Trump. In mid-2022, his Florida home was raided to recover supposedly classified documents, complete with embarrassing leaks showing them strewn all over the floor.

Lets forget for a second that Biden had classified documents in at least three other places, including in boxes in his garage. Let's just focus on how it seems that the entire strategy is t make one situation look worse than it is, while attempting desperately to downplay the other situation.

Today, Andrew McCarthy had an article where he suggested that comparing Biden to Trump is not a necessary comparison. That the best comparison would be to compare both of those situations with Hillary Clinton (who was given every benefit of the doubt and never charged). I think to some degree, McCarthy is exactly right and we all know that Biden will be treated like Clinton was treated and not how Trump has been treated. So those comparisons will be driven by the pro-Biden crowd now. Can't charge Trump if you didn't charge Clinton becomes can't charge Biden...

But regardless of how they attempt to spin everything, between the Clinton (and now the Biden) comparisons the chances of a Trump indictment has been dramatically reduced. Obviously Jack Smith could just decide to indict him without an eye on the politics, but the 2024 election could be massively affected if you allow Clinton and then Biden to skate, while charging Trump for exactly the same thing.



Unknown member
Jan 18, 2023

The sad thing is how bad things have gotten over the past decade. It was never this bad in the past. I think much of it has specifically to do with the obsessive and uncontrollable hatred of the bad orange man.


Unknown member
Jan 18, 2023

It has never been more apparent how politicized US Government agencies have become

We should officially change the name where they exist to The Swamp (the capitol formerly known as Washington DC)

or better decentralize the entire government other than Congress

let every state have a piece...

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