“when they see prosecutors bringing these political cases it just affirms everybody’s cynicism.”
Cuomo points out the obvious... that Bragg is pursuing an extremely old misdemeanor offence that was not considered worthy of prosecution at the time it happened.
Why would Bragg think this is important when his city is burning to the ground from violent crime? Good question and one that even prominent Democrats are starting to ask.
Cuomo also correctly points out that Bragg is trying to tie the misdemeanor to a Federal crime that wasn't charged, questioning (as many do) how this actually works to build a real case? Oddly, Cuomo is making many of the same arguments as the legal experts I follow, although most of this is so obvious a 6 year old should be able to see it.
When Bragg is starting to lose prominent Democrats (especially prominent NY Democrats) you know his situation is becoming dire. Does he still follow through now that he understands the fallout for doing so? He might find some agreement with "some" NY Democrats and old wrinkled lily white nursing home residents, but he is losing prominent support with most everyone not afflicted with TDS.
Lastly... if he charges and loses, the conventional wisdom was that he could still see support, possibly even playing the martyr. But that might end up being his worst nightmare. Imagine, all this pursuit, only to watch Donald Trump gloat about how he beat Bragg at his own game. It would ultimately make him a laughingstock.
"We need these in America😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/B72sffIaYE" / Twitter
LTG (R) Mike Flynn on Twitter: "Quote: “We wouldn’t have called David Duke an influencer back in the day.” No, you would have called him a Democrat! The left fears what they cannot control…and trust me they want total control of our lives (not just the media). From my perspective,(continues) https://t.co/vhXjVMCLFf…" / Twitter
Always remember that this is the kapo shitstain who OWNS Alvin Bragg.:
Meanwhile remember this little clarification from another "investigation" of Trump...
Georgia Deputy Secretary of State was Washington Post's source for fake Trump 'find the fraud' quotes | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com
changing words in "quotes"