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Episode II of Tucker Carlson has 50 million views and counting

I wonder out loud how livid FOX news executives really are at this point, but it's a situation made of their own doing.

The powers to be at FOX apparently didn't think this through very well. From what it looks like, Murdoch (and whomever else was involved) was literally looking to shut up Tucker Carlson through the 2024 election. The idea was to keep him under contract but not actually produce a Tucker Carlson show. This way, they figured, he could not go to another network or platform to continue providing his insight and all they had to do was keep paying him.

Well Carlson is going to claim that he is simply on social media like anyone else and is allowed to express his viewpoint publicly regardless of any contractual obligations to FOX. The interesting thing about this is even if FOX were to go to court, win in court, it is unlikely that they can do anything more than recoup the payments they are giving Carlson. Given that Carlson and his legal team has offered to buy their way out of the contract, FOX has very little legal footing to stand on. They can either pay him and let him do a show or not pay him and let him do his show elsewhere. I don't believe that they can convince a judge or jury that you own someone's thoughts because you pay them. There are two sides to every contract, and I am pretty damned sure that Carlson's contract included him doing shows. Wouldn't it be breach of contract on FOX News' part to not full-fill the obligations of providing for a timeslot for his show?

Furthermore, FOX news has pretty much cut the legs out of their own business. Whatever their dispute is with Tucker Carlson, is it really worth the destruction of a major cable news organization? FOX has been a shell of their former selves since cancelling the Tucker Carlson show and engaging in somewhat of a pissing contest with him. Better for their business to just let go, wish Tucker well, and hope to garner a little goodwill towards their waning audience. To continue to antagonize Carlson, they continue to antagonize their own audience.

This is one of those Van Halen David Lee Roth situations were the lead host is likely bigger than the rest of the band. Unfortunately for FOX, there is no Sammy Hagar waiting in the wings to replace Carlson. Carlson will have a successful career no matter how hard FOX tries to stop it.


8 komentářů

Neznámý člen
11. 6. 2023

it's slowing down...53.2 million views.

Then again that "small" increase is more than the legacy cable news show's entire audience.

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Neznámý člen
11. 6. 2023

Yes... tail not tale!

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Neznámý člen
10. 6. 2023

Wow I liked Trick of the Tail, I’d thought …and there were three… was the first after Gabriel

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Neznámý člen
10. 6. 2023

The country needs a good dem alternative to Biden. Not Newsom. I nominate KY gov Beshear.

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Neznámý člen
10. 6. 2023

Trick of the tale.. Genesis' first album without Gabriel. Still had the old feeling and Gabriel influence with Collins singing lead. Probably their best "album" if you want to sit and listen to an album straight through.

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