Democrats are now trying to claim that Gal Luft came up with the allegations about Hunter Biden to distract from his indictment and arrest by US officials? But does that make any sense?

Lets just start with the obvious.
Luft first came forward with the allegations about Hunter Biden in March of 2019.
Democrats lost control of the House during the 2022 election.
A new House was sworn in with GOP majority in Jan of 2023.
Republicans promised that these claims would be investigated.
The DOJ indicted Luft shortly after the Nov 2022 election and arrested Luft in Feb of 2023.
Now our idiot Democrats are trying to suggest that Luft only came up with these allegations about Hunter Biden because of his arrest by American authorities? How is it possible that he would have known in 2019 to come up with these allegations in order to undermine charges that would be filed against him nearly four years later?
Logic and common sense make it impossible for Luft's allegations to be retribution for his arrest. But logic and common sense makes it not only possible (but probable) that his arrest was retribution for his allegations. The timing suggests that he was indicted almost immediately after the DOJ knew that the House would be flipping to the GOP and would be investigating their corrupt cover up of the criminal activity of the Bidens. He was arrested within a month of the GOP taking over the House, making his ability to testify almost nonexistent.
But that doesn't stop the Democrats from screaming that Luft is pushing "disinformation". Only this time the disinformation culprit is not Russia, but rather China. Luft is pushing "Chinese disinformation" because he worked with the Chinese. Of course has China ever said anything about Hunter Biden? Has China even really even held any opinions about American politics? Is there any actual history of "Chinese disinformation" other than them lying about Covid (a lie which Democrats refused to acknowledge)?
But this is exactly how stupid that Democrats know their followers are. Liberal Democrats have become little more than children and can be manipulated and gaslighted like any group of ignorant and impressionable grade schoolers can be. Certainly these screaming Democrats understand that we have this thing called the internet and anyone could look this up. But they also know that their followers will not bother to fact check this claim. The idea of it being real is just too important to actually fact check. We have a self proclaimed nursing home genius who is on the first wave of those who are already falling for the obvious lie, which proves the fact of gullibility. Now this genius is probably not capable of looking at (or understanding) the time line. But he is (like other Democrats) capable of reading the Washington Post or New York Times or listening to a hack on MSNBC pound the table about Chinese disinformation. That is all it takes. The Democratic leaders understand this and take advantage.
So go figure...
Again. When Obama left office, he moved all of his Presidential records to a warehouse in Chicago. NARA has confirmed that there were classified documents in that Warehouse, but that was not a problem because NARA was happy to take "technical" control of the documents (even as they did not have physical control). Nobody raided the Warehouse and arrested Obama because there were classified documents.
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Thread by @paulsperry_ on Thread Reader App
Democrats are giving the country a new spin of bullshit, claiming that the fbi has been deferential to and slow walking all investigations into Trump. This of course is absurd. They've been highly aggressive, even raiding Mar a Lago at gunpoint.