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Doctor Who goes woke?

Everyone looking forward to David Tennant return, but did it crash and burn?

Apparently the new Doctor got a respectable five million viewers for their special season opener. But given the old David Tennant Dr Who seasons averaged over eight million viewers a show, this might have been a disappointment.

From what I read, the Rotten Tomatoes score is barely 50% (down to 47% now) which is surprising given how many people were looking forward to this. For most Dr Who fans, Tennant was their favorite doctor. I watched the last season ending episode that "introduced" Tennant as the new/old Doctor with my wife. We were both surprised and excited to see him back. I am not as much of a Doctor Who fan as she is, but I have seen many episodes and have a decent understanding of the Dr Who culture. Tennant embodied that culture.

So what were the complaints? Well apparently the show was heavy in feminism, and at one time Tennant was belittled for not understanding something because he is male. In another scene apparently an alien being was "misgendered" and had to explain his "pronoun". Perhaps it was a tongue in cheek swipe at misgendering, but either way the show is setting the stage to take criticism from people. Hollywood does this sort of thing openly and unapologetically. Then they criticize the critics for being politically incorrect and not following along. I wonder if they understand that this criticism falls on deaf ears?

Now my wife found the first episode both amusing and entertaining. Of course she is a woman and a liberal, so the issues being complained about would not bother her. In the eyes of people of her political persuasion these are just necessary "changes" from the old Doctor Who series to make it more in line with modern etiquette. Etiquette, which of course, is only really etiquette for a small minority of human beings on this planet, but just happen to include most of Hollywood.

The latest Lord of the Rings monstrosity getting ready to stream a second season was hit hard in the ratings because of their wokeism. Steven King movies (such as the Gunslinger) have crashed and burned hard over politics. In fact, the Gunslinger was such a dud, that a potential series of movies were one and done. The woke are complaining that a reboot of the Harry Potter books is not going to diverge from the original books to satisfy their liberal cravings. J.K. Rowling has stuck to her guns and has become an enemy of the left for doing so. Disney had another box office crash this weekend with "Wish" which extends the streak out to Joe DiMaggio levels.

We can go on and on about how many books and movies have been ruined by politics. It seems you can either satisfy the woke or the people who pay your bills, but not both. Much of Hollywood apparently is more interested in how they are viewed on social media than in making money.

But Doctor Who? C'mon man... Et Tu Brute?


4 kommenttia

Tuntematon jäsen
28. marrask. 2023

Musk also is building human-like robots within Tesla (Optimus), Neuralink - for mind--computer-body interfaces, has a solar company, battery company, The Boring company to dig tunnels, Starlink for internet connectivity and I'm sure I'm leaving a lot out. Beyond my comprehension.

All while fighting the woke virus, state media and government.

If it comes down to war I'm pretty sure his side will win.

If he isn't assassinated first.

Cybertruck deliveries are supposed to start Thursday...


Tuntematon jäsen
28. marrask. 2023
One final note: This rocket was built entirely from private funds. Though SpaceX has a contract with NASA for Starship as a manned lunar lander, SpaceX has spent almost none of that money because its focus is getting the rocket launched, not designed to land on the Moon.
Thus, a rocket more powerful than the Saturn-5 but designed from the get-go to be reuseable is being built by private American citizens, independent of the government. If that isn’t a demonstration of the power of freedom, I don’t know what is.


Tuntematon jäsen
28. marrask. 2023

"Grok, tell me what you really think of Business Insider. Satisfying. So satisfying." / X (

Business Insider is a regular political_lire source

Looks like Musk's AI program (Grok) is working

Amazing how fast he is able to have built it to eventually compete with the woke ChatGPT (Grok is still in beta). But then again Musk was heavily involved in the startup of that. And he still has time to be an amazing gamer. He's like DaVinci, Einstein and Edison all put together.


Tuntematon jäsen
28. marrask. 2023

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