People demand Trump is being partisan by saying he wants to charge the Jan 6th committee with crimes

Let's be clear about one thing. As ugly and partisan as the January 6th commission was, much of it was just unethical politics and not necessarily illegal. But there are parts of this that could be actually a legal problem, one of them being tampering with official witnesses.
Not only is Cheney accused of tampering with at least one witness, but she apparently worked around the witnesses own legal counsel in doing so. This is not just unethical but can certainly border on criminal. Yeah, this all took place in Washington DC, and even if Trump could find a prosecutor to make a case, the chances of finding a judge or jury who would convict Cheney in something like this is almost zero.
We only have to go back to Michaell Sussman, an attorney for Hillary Clinton who openly lied to the FBI while providing them with the opposition research that led to the entire "Russian collusion hoax". In fact, he admitted that he lied to them. They had his text messages, billing records, and other proof on top of his confession. His defense was little more than the argument that his lie (that he was not representing any client) was so obviously a lie that the FBI could not have possibly believed him. Therefore, it wasn't as much a lie as it was a wink wink nudge nudge sort of deal that would allow the FBI to investigate without having to admit that they were investigating unsubstantiated paid opposition research. He was found not guilty by a DC jury. It was pure partisan jury nullification. No doubt Liz Cheney could count on the same treatment.
So whether or not you see anyone actually go after Cheney, you would likely need to be able to guarantee a change of venue out of the DC court system to bring any charges. Otherwise, it would be not just a waste of time, but it would likely backfire if she was not convicted. Such is the judicial system in Washington D.C.
TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! - White House Biden health cover-up blown wide open in bombshell report: Joe was senile from day one of presidency.
Ben Williamson @_WilliamsonBen
I haven't spoken much about the below incident publicly due to ongoing investigations -- but given the good work of today's House Admin report on the J6 Committee and its revelations on possible "witness tampering," I'd like to share a relevant episode involving another fabrication from the Committee, Liz Cheney, and my former colleague Cassidy Hutchinson.
Almost three years ago, in early 2022, I got a phone call from Cassidy telling me her closed-door deposition with the J6 Committee (under subpoena) was approaching. Cassidy claimed to be worried that our old Trump WH colleagues, including our boss Mark Meadows, might think she was "disloyal" for following a subpoena and showing up to the deposition.
I cut her…