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Dems shouldn't get too excited about winning back the Santos seat in NY

Previous Representative Tom Suozzi came back and won the seat by a 54-46 margin. Some say this is a harbinger for 2024?

This seat was opened up when the Republican George Santos was expelled from Congress. So the concept was that his was a Democratic pickup of a GOP district. But the reality here is that this district has long been a Democratic district that Santos won in an fairly large upset.

Souzzi had been a three time winner in the district prior to resigning to run for Governor. So he was for all practical purposes the ex-facto incumbent in this race. His average margin of victory in his three previous races was over 12 points. For further reference, Joe Biden won this district back in 2020 by ten points. So the idea that this was a Republican district or a that a 54-46 victory by Suozzi is unexpected, is probably little more than political rhetoric designed to make Democrats feel better about 2024.



Unknown member
Feb 15, 2024

What has been suggested is that Republicans should have said about Santos is yes he lied and so did Schiff. Schiff's were much more consequential so both should be removed as a package deal. And throw in the lady who married her brother for immigration fraud.

The scales of justice should be equally applied.


Unknown member
Feb 15, 2024

Frank Luntz is such a fucking assclown retard, he's sounding the alarm over this being a harbinger of the 2024 elections.

The seat has always been blue, democrats spent a king's fucking ransom to get it back, and it was a fucking miracle that Santos ever won it to begin with.

Luntz needs to keep playing house with Kevin McCarthy and shut the fuck up.

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