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Democrats are running scared...

The push to replace Joe Biden might ramp up... but can they figure out how to get someone else in place before it is too late?

The latest WaPo poll did not have a lot of good news for Joe Biden or the Democrats in general. I've already heard criticism of the poll with people stating that it leans too far to the right with the demographics, but the people polled did vote for Joe Biden in 2020 by a margin of 50-46 which is not far off from what the actual results were (51.3-46.9). Furthermore, the same set of demographics used to show Joe Biden winning about a year ago, so there has been noticeable movement (at least in this poll).

Now as much as the WaPo article about their own poll downplays the top line results and demands to some degree that this is about people voting against Joe Biden, 48% those polled now suggest that they now approve of Donald Trump's performance as President in retrospect. Only 38% approved of Donald Trump's performance in the last actual ABC/WaPo poll back in 2021. This suggests just under 20% of those those who disapproved of Trump when he left office now have changed their mind.

So this is not just bad news for Biden, it appears to be good news for Trump. More and more people seem to be looking back in a much more positive manner about what was going on during the Trump administration. This may be just a time issue, as 2020 was still all about Covid. Conventional wisdom suggests that Trump would have been an easy two term President had it not been for Covid. Over time, people will begin to recall the first three years of his Presidency, rather than just the Covid year.

Now... how scared are the Democrats?

The other day, Newsom almost inexplicitly vetoed a popular liberal bill that would have done more to undermine parental rights and use the State to push more children into transgenderism and other liberal causes. Many people saw this as a possible "national move" and a signal that he might be considering a run for President. Obviously the reality is that Newsom cannot change his political spots over the next few months. He is still going to be the Governor that has run California into the ground with horrible liberal policies that he wants to push onto the rest of America. It would take a lot more than a veto or two to remove that stigma from Newsom. There is a reason why people are leaving California in droves. I find it hard to believe that Newsom doesn't have to solve some problems at home before he can convince anyone he can solve national problems. Perhaps he is already thinking about 2024. But then again, you never know?

Moreover, the gauntlet has been thrown down from your Black race baiters. If Biden does not run and is replaced by another White Male (rather than Kamala Harris), there will be hell to pay from the Black wing of the Party. Who knows, you might even see a few more "Niggas for Trump" T-Shirts on the chests of more prominent people. That moving demographic appears to be a wave of momentum that might be difficult to blunt either way. Bypassing Biden's black woman VP in favor of Gavin Newsom (who gives Mitt Romney a run for the Whitest politician on the planet) would only add fuel to that fire.

Lastly, time is running out. I believe some State filing deadlines have already passed, no debates are even scheduled, and nobody else on the Democratic side has even offered up an exploratory committee to even look into the idea. Not saying it is not possible, but the probability goes down every week (or month) something doesn't happen. As I have stated on numerous occasions, Joe Biden has a lot of personal incentive to run and win a second term and I believe there are powerful puppeteers behind the scenes who want the puppet to remain in power. As of right now, these people backing Biden seems to have cast a shadow over anyone else hoping to get a foot in the door. Think John Wick. These puppeteers may be something akin to the "The Table" working behind the scenes and intimidating everyone they run across. To me, it seems crazy that only two Democrats (neither being mainstream or prominent) tossed their hat into the ring this year. Perhaps there is a bigger reason for that.


6 commentaires

Membre inconnu
26 sept. 2023

Membre inconnu
26 sept. 2023

Rank them according to intelligence?


Membre inconnu
25 sept. 2023

Apparently Roger believes that not being able to control your citizens is "total fascism".

Does Alky have the door code to his insane asylum yet?


Membre inconnu
25 sept. 2023

The sentiments of Roger the Alcoholic Fascist can be found within this poll:

  • Republican voters (74%) and independents (61%) believe speech should be legal “under any circumstances, while Democrats are almost evenly divided. A bare majority of Democrats (53%) say speech should be legal under any circumstances, while 47% say it should be legal “only under certain circumstances.”

  • Nearly one-third of Democratic voters (34%) say Americans have “too much freedom.” This compared to 14.6% of Republicans. Republicans were most likely to say Americans have too little freedom (46%), while only 22% of Democrats feel that way. Independents were in the middle in both categories.

  • Although majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and independents agree the news media should be able to report…


Membre inconnu
25 sept. 2023
Apparently Roger believes that not being able to control your citizens is "total fascism".

You seriously cannot make this stuff up.

New liberal meaning of Fascism: Anything that stops liberals from stomping on freedom.

I don't recall who said it, but recently a GOP member of congress said that The Bill of Rights wouldn't even make it out of congressional cmte. today, let alone make it into law.

And imbeciles like the alky prove him right every fucking day.



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