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Debate thoughts

Didn't watch it but going over the various reactions and snap polls

I would say that by most accounts it was a better night for Harris than for Trump, but much of this had to do with what even some liberals are suggesting was a 4-1 ambush of Trump. ABC continued to fact check Trump in real time, while doing no fact checking of Harris. In retrospect it might have been better for Trump to simply refuse to debate on ABC after she refused to debate on FOX.

I have seen several "flash polls" which are largely meaningless. I have seen anything from 59-41 Harris advantage to a 53-47 advantage for Trump, meaning that it probably one of those deals where fans will be fans, and their person won no matter what. Both camps suggest that they won the night.

The media has been more about Harris than about Trump. Whenever Trump goes Trump the never-Trumpers come out of the woodwork and act like the world just ended. I think people expect Trump to be Trump. The real question was Harris. Not sure Trump was going to ruin Harris considering what people are suggesting about the moderators and the tone of the debate questions. Sounds like he could have done more regarding calling Harris ou on her record rather than being personal, but that is Trump in a nutshell.

At the end of the day, it sounds like Trump "took the bait" and went full on Trump, while Harris simply refused to answer certain questions. In terms of the debate format, it was largely void of questions regarding inflation and scant on the economy which was obviously designed to benefit Harris.

But overall, will it move the needle? Hard to say. Harris likely pulled off the idea that she is a real candidate which was her main goal. Trump was Trump and you do not move Trump supporters off Trump for being Trump. Time will tell.



Unknown member
Sep 11, 2024

From everything I’ve seen today this is what came through


Unknown member
Sep 11, 2024


Unknown member
Sep 11, 2024

CSPAN on X: "Who won the ABC News presidential debate?" / X

Online polls aren't worth anything but still...


Unknown member
Sep 11, 2024

but I don't believe people are this stupid despite the media and rigged system.

Believe It.


Unknown member
Sep 11, 2024

I didn't watch either but from what I've read it wasn't a great idea for ABC to have Kamala's best friend be one of the moderators (She introduced her to Doug). Looks like a big loss for ABC's credibility but then not much downside for them.

update wasn't the moderator but her boss:

"Megyn Kelly's rant about the debate is spot on. She speaks for many of us. "I'm disgusted."" / X

I suspect we shall see a Kamala polling bounce preordained by MSM and its polling, but I don't believe people are this stupid despite the media and rigged system. It is definitely a fork-in-the-road election.

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