If you cannot legally "prohibit" certain teaching methods because a court says so, well then you simply defund the departments pushing these methods!
For now, the courts have put a hold on parts of the Florida "Stop Woke Act" that involved the hiring practices of certain positions, suggesting that it infringes on certain first amendment rights. It technically does not involve the teaching methods at this point, but it is the underlying issue here.
The case is far from over and many still believe that the law will win out in the end.
But in the meantime, DeSantis is switching gears. If the law cannot prevent the hiring of certain diversity and inclusivity departments, he will simply cut the budgets for them. You cannot hire what you cannot pay for. So for now, the budgets for these departments in public colleges are being slashed or even eliminated all together. This is a clever end around as almost nobody believes that the Federal Court system would or even could legally get involved in micromanaging state budgets.
Either way, this is a cultural war we are fighting today. The stakes are not just the soul of the nation, but the very nation itself. Woke leaders like Agrawal who took Twitter from a $77 billion company and sold it for $44 billion, and the SVB leadership pushing basically substandard loans to companies based on environmental and social standards (rather than banking standards) is the result of the woke mindset. These examples are just the tip of the oncoming iceberg.
Perhaps these people don't care if they all lose someone else's money (whether that be investor money or government bailout money) in the pursuit of wokeness. Maybe they see this as a just cause. But as a society within the global economy we will be swallowed up by business conscious competitors if we continue down this road. Teaching our children that these are the ways of the future guarantees us no real future. While we can resign ourselves to the fact that some (or even many) will learn this lesson the hard way, we need to make sure that enough Americans still understand business realities to keep our society afloat. We need more leaders like DeSantis to counter the disastrous leadership of people like Biden.
NY is run by woke imbeciles. And it's NYC who keep voting them in. The rest of the state is actually largely republican. But we get run over by the NYC vote. That's why presidential elections are not popular vote.
And that Manhattan DA Bragg refuses to prosecute criminals. But Trump, he's obsessed with.
Trump says he will be arrested Tuesday by the partisan cabal in NY. Am I missing something? Since when are nondisclosure agreements illegal?
Banana Republic
show trials like Jan 6th
and if this doesn't work for dems WW3
Trump says he will be arrested Tuesday by the partisan cabal in NY. Am I missing something? Since when are nondisclosure agreements illegal?
Now they are talking about indicting Trump over a nothingburger
Joe must be panicking:
WATCH: Angry Joe Biden really HATES being asked about Hunter scandals (rumble.com)
speaking about people nobody sane misses:
"Three years ago today. The day everything changed. Look how excited Fauci and Birx were about permanently altering the lives of millions of people. https://t.co/DjlP2lgHYW" / Twitter