In fact, influential liberals seem to be running away as if they have been routed

The Maga movement has become one of the most powerful political movements in recent history. I would argue that it is basically a larger version of the Tea Party movement with some added steroids to boot. As their orange leader might say.
A tremendous movement, a great, great movement, nobody has ever seen a movement like this movement.
Whether it is the greatest movement might find some serious push back, but it is possibly the best-timed and possibly the most important political movement of our generation. The reasoning being that it has followed up the woke movement, which has been one of the most destructive and influential movements ever encountered. This woke movement has wiggled its way into most everything in society. Politics, media, Hollywood, both K-12 education and our university system, as well as much of the corporate industry, especially the tech industry.
All that being said, it certainly feels like the worm has turned or at least is turning. It may have started when Elon Musk walked into the Twitter headquarters with a kitchen sink, and it fully fortified itself with the reelection of Donald J Trump to a non-consecutive second term. Company after company has announced that they are dropping their DEI policies, social media sites are doing away with censorship, and the liberal mainstream media is literally falling apart before our very eyes. Now with the fires in Los Angelas, you are even hearing the most liberal Hollywood players complaining about Newsom and the liberal policies that led to their world being burned to the ground.
Education is the only area where you still see the liberal woke policies in play nationally. But even there, you get the feeling that it is only a matter of time before the teachers and professors are forced to toe the line and go back to teaching, rather than indoctrination. This one might take more time, but ultimately there will be a reckoning for the fact that our children are graduating understanding more about genders than they do about reading and writing. If there is no DEI and woke rules in the corporate world anymore, then what use will it be to continue to teach children it matters.
What makes this particular movement more powerful is that it is no longer just a movement that liberals can declare is a white nationalist movement. Trump's win included gains in pretty much every demographic and in literally every state (red, blue, or purple). Not that liberals will not suggest the movement is racist or bigoted, but it falls on deaf ears for most people. In fact, the more politicians and the media continue to make these arguments, the less and less relevant they become. They become MSNBC where about 12 people are still watching, or they become The View, which has become a show that is almost exclusively watched by angry liberal women that everyone else mocks.
Sure, the movement needs to continue to keep the pedal to the metal and crush everything to do with the woke movement. Obviously, the Trump Presidency will have much to do with this. While people will overwhelmingly judge him on inflation, immigration, and the issues he campaigned on, the larger behind the scenes movement is actually more important than anything else.
Scott Adams on X: "The lawfare against Trump didn't simply fail. It tore the lid off the corrupt Democrat machine and let us all watch. This is a perfect ending. Anything cleaner would have let us forget. Now, every time Dems call Trump a felon, we get to remember what they did to the country." / X