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Colorado Supreme Court rules Trump guilty of violating the 14th amendment...

Some legal experts expect a unanimous decision from the USSC or a federal court overruling Colorado.

So let's get this straight. According to the Colorado Supreme Court Donald Trump is not innocent until proven guilty of a crime. In fact, he can be assumed by a state court of being guilty of a federal crime that he is not accused of (much less convicted of), regarding behavior that did not take place in the state where the ruling took place.


The saddest part about this sort of banana republic move is how many hateful and angry Americans cheer for this. It really makes you take pause about how these hateful and angry liberals see the world today. It is not about a constitution, the rule of law, due process, or anything else. It is about raw partisan power and using places where they control the judiciary to garner their political desires. They know that Joe Biden cannot likely beat Donald Trump in an honest election, so they will do everything in their power to prevent Trump from being even allowed to run.

Think about what and where you are seeing things. First and foremost a Democratic Administration and Democratic Attorney General pulled a Democratic operative prosecutor known for prosecutorial misconduct out of retirement and from another country to go after Donald Trump.

You have not one, not two, but three court cases in the liberal city of New York against him. One criminal case brought by a "county prosecutor" and two more local prosecutors taking Trump or the Trump corporation to court on civil charges. You have an openly hostile party affiliated Democrat Judge in one of the New York cases who literally found Trump and his company guilty "before" the trial started and before Trump was allowed to even present a defense. Since then, the partisan attack judge has chastised and attacked Trump and his legal team for (get this) putting up a defense.

Lastly you have another "county prosecutor" bring racketeering charges in a liberal Georgia county over actions that should be covered by Federal (not state or county) laws. The indictment doesn't even charge Trump with any actual tangible crimes. Just somehow accuses him of running a criminal syndicate to overturn an election using legal means to do so. She wants to ride some minor misdemeanors by a handful of low-level people into putting other people in jail for up to 20 years even if they had not committed a single crime.

Now you see a Colorado court made up of seven liberal Judges all appointed by Democratic governors who have decided that Trump is obviously guilty of something he has not been charged with, tossing away the constitutional right to an actual trial before being found guilty by a four people who hold a partisan grudge.

But what makes this all the more egregious is that all the hateful Americans out there cheering, or this seem to believe that this is how the system should actually work and now they are worried that the same sort of thing could happen to Democrats if Trump or another Republicans gets into power. In other words, they have done everything they can to normalize politically motivated banana republic style judicial attacks on political opponents. Defending them at all turns. Now they fear that if the other side take power that they would use this normalization of the process to do the same thing in return. I guess they feel that this sort of reckless behavior is acceptable when they do it, but lord forbid that anyone on the other side ever do it. That would be scandalous!



Unknown member
Dec 20, 2023

Aww... give the alky a day pass to the blog for Christmas.




Unknown member
Dec 20, 2023

But it's Trump who is the problem and must be stopped:


Unknown member
Dec 20, 2023

Even many liberal legal minds are questioning this. Just the crazy hate filled people (like the one who keeps emailing me) are dancing over it, because they care very little about the rule of law. It's just a power grab.


Unknown member
Dec 20, 2023

So if an individual can be determined to be declared guilty of a crime they have not been charged with, by an arbitrary ruling body, we are totally and irrevocably fucked.

There is no longer a rule of law, nor is there anything that resembles due process. Not anymore.

This is just another step in the left and the DOJ/FBI attempting to goad the right into a civil war. So they can shriek "SEE!?!?! THEY'RE AS VIOLENT AS WE'VE ALWAYS SAID THEY WERE!!!11! DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!!!"

Don't take the bait.

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