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CNN embarrasses itself again by not understanding our own system of Government

Demanding to know why so many MAGA Republicans believe we live in a Republic rather than a Democracy?

Depending on the source, the United States is either a Constitutional Republic or a Federal Republic, but in fact we are basically both. Our laws are controlled by a Constitution, while we have both Federal and State Governments. We generally elect leaders to represent us rather than vote on every issue, which is the key difference between Republics and Democracy in pure theory. Oh, and it is entirely true, notwithstanding arguments otherwise, that a Republic is, in fact, designed to protect a minority from "mob rules" forms of Democracy.

Now some will argue that you can use the terms Republic and Democracy interchangeably, but that is not exactly true. Even if it was, then how would "MAGA" Republicans be wrong to describe the country as a Republic rather than a Democracy? The logic just doesn't compute. I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that our liberal media is attempting to paint Republicans as anti-election or something of that nature, simply because they correctly define our system of Government as a Republic. They will somehow try to tie this back to the idea that Republicans do not respect the results of elections (even if it has been a staple of the American left to question and challenge every election loss). You know, by not admitting we are a "Democracy" then they must be anti-election or anti-will-of-the-people. No, Republicans respect the elections just fine and in fact Republicans are more willing to accept the nature of our elections as they were defined and as they have always worked. It is the Democrats who are constantly suggesting our current system is wrong and needs to be changed.




debate prep?

I am so hoping he shits his pants during the debate. That would end it right there.




Speaking of the left beclowning themselves. I hope he’s charged with a hate crime against himself

Houston Democratic candidate is accused of racist attacks against HIMSELF in Jussie Smollett-style promotional campaign



Your average, garden-variety CNN/MSDNC viewer will lap this up, certain that these MAGATS are wrong.

It's the invincible ignorance theory on vivid display.

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