“Joe Biden is our nominee" stated Senator Warren even as she suggested that 80 million people voted for Biden and Harris, not just Biden.
Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have privately been supportive of Biden’s decision to stay in the race and have been actively encouraging donors to stay with him, according to two people familiar with the Clintons’ thinking.
Technically the Clintons are both publicly and privately backing Biden, which appears to be a double bit of good news for Biden. Generally, the buzz is that while many are loath to say anything publicly, they are working behind the scenes to undermine Biden. Even some who are sticking with Biden when asked in public, are said to be privately holding a different opinion. But the Clintons are said to be talking to donors and others trying to get people to stay behind Biden as long as he is the nominee.
My gut tells me that Biden doesn't need to be winning the numbers game here. There are 34 different Democrats who have publicly made a call for Biden to step down, which is more than those who are openly backing him in public. But the majority of Democrats are staying out it or deferring to the idea that it is ultimately the President's decision. I think as long as he believes there is enough people on his side to justify staying in, he will. I don't think he believes he needs 35 people backing him to offset the 34 calling him out.
Moreover, with AOC, Jeffries, and Sanchez publicly backing him in the House, those are influential enough to almost offset many of the House members that nobody has heard of. With Sanders, Fetterman, and most recently Coons coming out for him in the Senate, that seems to offset the few Senators who are calling on him to leave. I don't consider the Warren statement an endorsement, but Biden and his team might take is as such.
Bottom line. If Biden sees this as many are starting to... as a civil war within the Party... then why would he just toss in the towel, fly the white flag, or concede to the enemy? At this point it is possible that the Clintons are coming out for Biden due to their known dislike for the Obama's, who are being blamed for the attempted coup against the President. An enemy of my enemy is my friend, as the proverb goes. Ultimately, Biden is likely in control of which side wins, and that is a pretty powerful place to be in.