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But Trump

According to Harris insiders, the strategy going down the stretch for the Harris campaign is apparently to ramp up criticism of the former President and call him more names

Ironically, they are demanding that this strategy is somehow a "shift" from what they have been doing. I am curious as to what they believe they were doing. Either way, here are the highlights of the new shifted strategy:

  • Talk about how unstable he is

  • Talk about how unhinged he is

  • Talk about him being a dictator

  • Talk about project 2025

They apparently feel that over the next two weeks they will show Americans who the real Donald Trump is by calling him more names and demanding people judge his character by what they say about him. After all, who better to tell you Donald Trump is than his political opponent.

Meanwhile, even CNN was suggesting that the McDonalds Stunt pulled by Trump was an act of brilliance, as it served plenty of purposes. The man of the people deal, the mocking of Harris claiming she worked at McDonalds, and possibly most importantly he was out working fast food at a time when Harris and her minions have been arguing that Trump is exhausted and hiding out. He certainly didn't seem exhausted to anyone watching. He seems like a fired up Presidential candidate who would love to get back to work in the White House.

This appears to be a grasping of straws move at this time by the Harris camp. They have utterly failed to take control of the definition of their own candidate, largely and oddly on purpose. Now that team Trump has filled in some of what the Harris came wanted to leave be, her negatives has skyrocketed and she no longer seems hip, cool, and brat or at least those qualities no longer seem very relevant to being President of the United States. I think the original concept was to ignore policy (especially her past policy ideas) create a cult of personality not unlike Barack Obama and his image of hope. But to steal a line of attack from Lloyd Benston... we all know Barack Obama, we watched Barack Obama campaign, and we watched him win two elections largely do to charisma and personality. Kamala is no Barack Obama. It is almost is an insult to Obama to suggest she could to the same thing.



Unknown member
Oct 22, 2024

Fulton, Cobb and Gwinnett are cess pools, it’s hard to believe DeKalb (the “L” is silent dammit, de-KAB) my county is legit, Hank Johnson is my rep.

I was in Paulding and Douglas today who border Cobb and nothing but Trump signs


Unknown member
Oct 22, 2024

 I don't know that all three of these states can "know" already that it will be so close as to rely on overseas votes to tell who wins.

Except that it's not the overseas ballots that they'll be waiting on or that will make the difference.

It's the pallets of completed ballots that they will inject into the count at 3 - 4 AM.


Unknown member
Oct 22, 2024

It's an argument that these people simply don't care if they win or lose... as long as they can justify the long counting with declarations of being safe and careful.

But how is it that Texas and Florida (two of the three largest states in the country) can count all of their votes on election night (other than those that come in past the date)?

If all we are really doing after election night is waiting for overseas ballots, then all of these states should have enough counted to make calls. I don't know that all three of these states can "know" already that it will be so close as to rely on overseas votes to tell who wins.


Unknown member
Oct 22, 2024

Odd that these are swing states and the changes always go one way.


Unknown member
Oct 22, 2024

Odd that these are swing states and the changes always go one way.

An election people have faith in should be decided within hours, not weeks.

With legitimate voters and a paper trail.

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