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Biden here in Seattle

Biden Biden, you can't hide! We charge you with genocide!

One might think that if there was anywhere President Biden could go and get a pleasant reception, it would be a liberal cesspool like Seattle. But nope! There are antisemites here attacking the President for his tacit and waning support of Israel. Apparently, they did not get the memo that told them they should be happy because he is withholding some of the most recent weapons we are providing.

This has to be a disaster for the President and there does not appear to be much end in sight. The best strategy for the President might to just do whatever possible for Israel to completely wipe out Hamas and declare victory soon enough for it to fall off the November election radar. Otherwise, what he is doing now is pushing moderate Jewish liberals and people who support Israel away and at the same time pushing pretty much all Islamic voters away. Will long time Jewish Democrats really ditch Biden? Will radical Islamic antisemites really not vote Democrat? I think both are possible, but what is more realistic is that any sort of Jewish or Islamic enthusiasm will be at all-time lows.

There is some buzz that even some of the never-Trumper conservatives who have supported Biden to spite Trump are reconsidering. Those may be the easiest ones to pull into the fray as they are natural conservatives. How long can someone like Liz Cheney (who is pure neo-conservative) support a President who withholds weapons from our only Democratic ally in the area?

When will policy and common-sense trump the irrational loathing of the bad orange man? We might be hitting that point right now!



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