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Biden Administration investigating DeSantis appointee for civil rights...

Chris Rufo was appointed to the board of trustees of New College and promptly started rooting out the unnecessary nonsense of DEI and CRT.

New College of Florida is currently being transformed from the politicized idiocy of DEI and CRT back into an actual college that teaches actual skills. Chris Rufo and five others were appointed by the Governor to do just this and this was a popular decision among Floridians.

Not only that, but New College has since been flooded with applications from professors who want to work there and students who want to go there.

The transformation away from politics and back into teaching basics has turned many on the left into a blinding rage. Obviously the Administration was not willing to take this one lying down so they do what they always do. They politicize the situation and attempt to use the courts to punish political dissent of their unpopular positions.

In this case, the Biden Administration is accusing the new board (and specifically Rufo) of civil rights violation due to couple of situations that are childish by all accounts. The first is some sort of misgendering the former "DEI" director who apparently goes by Ze/Zir as their made up pronouns. These words do not even pass a spell check as they are literally not real words, much less real pronouns. Apparently Rufo put out a tweet about the former director that acknowledge her choice of pronouns, but referred to the former director as she and her. This was seen as "mocking" and of course is likely "literal violence" for the snowflake liberal who likely cried herself/zirself to sleep after reading this.

New College of Florida has fired its former DEI director, Yoleidy Rosario-Hernandez ("ze/zir"), after abolishing her department. Rosario-Hernandez lashed out at me in the Washington Post, but I wish her well and hope she uses the opportunity to develop useful skills.

Another thing that apparently violated civil rights was removing the term "gender neutral" that was written over the restroom signs with what appeared to be chalk. I don't know the whole back story, but I assume at one time these were labeled "gender neutral" and now show the traditional men and women figures. They appear to still be gender neutral, but are labeled differently. Someone didn't like it so they wrote over the signs to say "gender neutral". Apparently there is no problem with someone defacing school property, but the school cleaning up the graffiti is a civil rights violation. Ahem.

Lastly, they are looking to potentially float the argument that removing the DEI department is a violation of civil rights in and of itself. As if people who want to learn a skill rather than be taught politics have no rights to a school that does not push politics?

Now obviously there are going to still be students and teachers at this college who bow to the laws of wokeism. Some of them are still wanting to continue with "identify based clubs" and "diversity events" but must do so without the "official" backing of the school. In other words, they are being required to be responsible for their own beliefs and not allowed to simply pay for their desires with other people's money.

Hey if you want to meet every Thursday for coffee and discuss your new pronouns you came up with earlier in the week, go ahead and do it. But I see no more reason for a school to pay for this anymore than the school funding the Friday night D&D game in dorm room 206B. It's a social club and many of them are just made up social clubs. These children are going to have to learn that their views are not special and they are not entitled to others bending a knee to their beliefs. They also have to learn that sometimes there will be places that are more open to their beliefs and others that are more open to opposing beliefs. That is simply how the world works. Better get used to it.

But the larger problem for the left is that many private companies are also finding their DEI to be expendable as budget cuts loom. Is the Administration going to sue every company that eliminates DEI for a civil rights violation? That seems a bit excessive. But if they do not sue everyone, then how do they justify it here and here, but not there or there.

I would offer a solution however. If they want to demand that everyone has DEI departments and they want to sue those who do not then perhaps they should take the first logical step and create a law that requires DEI in schools and private companies? Makes sense! Then they would have some reason to actually sue and the suit would have legal merit.

Oh wait... a law like that would never pass Congress and even if it did it would likely be unconstitutional?

So the Administration will try to make use of their enormous Federal resources to try to bully others into submission, even as the law is not on their side. Civil rights is something that they could take to court and hope for a liberal judge and a liberal jury to do what the actual law does not allow them to do. Punish people for opposing political beliefs. You know, like every other banana republic.



Unknown member
Sep 13, 2023

Democrat Candidate Livestreamed Sex Acts To Raise Money For ‘Good Cause’

I’m unsure if she’s perfect, but she does put it in her mouth.

It’s for the children


Unknown member
Sep 12, 2023

I wonder what pronouns were used by Pat and his significant other Chris...


Unknown member
Sep 12, 2023

WTH rat SNL before it’s time, it’s Pat


Unknown member
Sep 12, 2023

Here is some well thought out analysis.


MESSAGE... Alzheimerz symptoms are irrational but well written by you Scott 👏 Said.


Unknown member
Sep 12, 2023

This bullshit only has legs if mental illness is a civil right.

If that's where we really are with this fucking nonsense then we're beyond fucked.

"Ze/Zir"; Nut/Bag:

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