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Another FBI whistleblower has been retaliated against and removed from the Biden investigation

IRS assistant special agent in charge of the DC field office Lola Watson wrote Friday: “You have been told several times that you need to follow your chain of command. IRS-CI maintains a chain of command for numerous reasons to include trying to stop unauthorized disclosures. Your email yesterday may have included potential grand jury (aka 6e material) in the subject line and contents of the email, and you included recipients that are not on the 6e list.”

Sorry, but the entire concept of a whistleblower is that they are being forced to go outside the chain of command because those within the chain are potentially behaving in an unethical, illegal, or dangerous manner. The idea of the FBI demanding that investigators stay "within the chain of command" is really about control. But there are legal limits to that control and whistleblower laws exist for a reasons.

Now granted, everyone who works for anyone has to work under their own chain of command and sometimes we do not agree with our superiors. But if our disagreement is based on ethically suspect, possible illegal, or potentially dangerous things that our chain of command are pushing, then it is up to us to go outside the chain of command.

In a more troubling development here, a US Attorney has requested all of the email correspondence's related to the whistleblower and the IRS and FBI. The FBI apparently was "appalled" and has refused to turn them over.

The bottom line is that Hunter Biden is a criminal. Flat out. There are many within the FBI (including the whistleblowers in question) who believe that there is pressure to not indict Biden when it is clear to everyone in the investigation that it is a slam dunk case against him

Could you possibly imaging the uproar if Trump loyalists within the DOJ were preventing an indictment against one of his children? It would be treated like the biggest scandal since the last made up Trump scandal.

Either way... this is a simple matter to resolve. You simply hold hearings, you allow the whistleblowers and the FBI to state their cases. If the whistleblowers are corrupt and accusing the FBI of something nefarious that they are not actually doing, then there would be repercussions. But if the whistleblower allegations cannot be disputed by the FBI and appear correct, then there must be repercussions for the FBI.

Not sure why this is so difficult.



Unknown member
May 23, 2023


Unknown member
May 23, 2023

The white supremacist that crashed U-Haul truck into the WH amazing they found Nazi flag


Unknown member
May 23, 2023

LIFE IN THE BLUE ZONES: No prison time for black man who set Asian Berkeley students on fire with homemade blowtorch: Prosecutor funded by George Soros gets criminal sent to ‘diversion program.’

Remember all the “Stop Asian Hate” posturing? That went away when people started pointing out where the violence was coming from.

h/t: Instapundit


Unknown member
May 23, 2023
Not sure why this is so difficult.

It's not.

We are in the post-constitutional, lawless phase of our Representative Republic. The DOJ and their STASI FBI feel that they are under no obligation to pursue any criminal activity by anyone on the left. At all. And as we can tell from the Soros prosecutors scattered across the country, that behavior has trickled down to the state and local level.

Some black scumbag in Berkeley just set some Asians on fire with a fucking blowtorch. The punishment? Nothing.

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