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Academia has followed the media into the abyss

Neither cares if they are destroying the fabric of their institutions as long as they can push their unpopular political agenda.

According to a new poll that just came out (hat tip - Turley) only 28% of Americans have a lot of trust in our higher education. Given that there is a wide disconnect between the support level from the two political ideologies (40% for liberals versus 12% for conservatives) it becomes clear that this about politics and political agendas, just as it is with the media.

While most liberals understand that having media and schools pushing agendas which pushes people away is a bad thing, there are going to be those who still willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces, as long as their agendas get pushed. I suppose some of them are dumb enough to believe that their political agenda is just so superior that it should be "taught" in schools and then pushed in the media. Preventing opposing views from being heard might be the only way they can win these arguments, and isn't winning the most important part of a culture or political debate?

We already do not trust the Government. We no longer have any sort of objective media watchdog to reign it in. We don't trust what we hear or read in the news. Now less and less children are deciding to go to college and the idea of a college degree becomes less and less important to many employers. This is causing a snowball effect that is building momentum and may roll over these industries.

The solution lies in the idea of capitalism and eventually the idea of financial survival. WaPo employees are up in arms because the new boss is basically telling them that they lost half of their readership, are losing money, and must eventually make a choice between changing or going out of business. This will need to happen across the board, these leaders will need to follow through, or we will soon be looking at a full collapse of these institutions as we know them today.


1 commentaire

Membre inconnu
18 juin 2024



IED. No, Republicans respect the elections just fine and in fact Republicans are more willing to accept the nature of our elections as they were defined and as they have always worked.


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