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A rounding error? BLS projected over 800,000 more jobs than were actually created.

The job number has been revised down by 818K after real data came in

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on Wednesday revised down its estimate of total employment in March 2024 by a whopping 818,000, the largest such downgrade in 15 years. That effectively means there were 818,000 fewer job gains than first believed from April 2023 through March 2024.

Any bets on whether the BLS is still overestimating job growth as we speak? We obviously will not know for another year or so, but it would seem obvious that there is a strong possibility that they are. The concept of economic numbers unexpected being better during GOP administrations and unexpectedly being worse during Democratic administrations went from being a joke, to being a truism. Some people always expect things will be bad or good depending on who is in office.

Do you suppose anyone really "expected" this sort of revision?



Unknown member
Aug 22, 2024

He's definitely a democrat and imo was taking votes from Biden. That's why they were so hell-bent on not allowing him a voice, forced him into changing party affiliation to independent and are suing him to oblivion. They considered him a real threat to the regime.

While Kennedy votes were going to be protest votes any that don't just sit out the election but vote Trump will be a great pickup and boomerang the democrat tactics. I don't agree with Kennedy on many issues but think he could be an interesting pick as head of the CIA or Health and Human Services. We need a real reset om both and he may be able to provide that. But I ag…


Unknown member
Aug 22, 2024

RFK Jr., being a professional grifter (it's a family trait), has probably been promised an ambassadorship or other mid-level post in the Trump administration for his endorsement.

I guess we'll have to wait and see just how much weight it will carry.

Personally I've never understood why anyone would take him seriously. The asshole is on the record for calling for the imprisonment of anyone he deems a climate change denier. And he drove his wife to suicide.

You would think that the nation's infatuation with this long line of fucking scumbags as "America's Royal Family" would have a shelf life. Apparently not.


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