Literally ruled that only "career treasury department employees" can have access to the data.

So you want a constitutional crisis where it becomes almost impossible for an executive branch to not start ignoring district court orders, then this is how one might go about it. As ridiculous as it might seem, a lower court judge has ruled that only "career treasury department employees" can access the data and that the Secretary of the Treasury has no constitutional right to the data.
Okay, the judge did not specifically say that the Secretary didn't have a constitutional right to run his own agency, but rather the judge sort of ignored the concept that the order for this data is coming from the Secretary of the Treasury. The judge basically treated this as if it was simply a dispute between the President/DOGE and the Treasury department. Problem for the Judge is that the Treasury Secretary is on the side of the President and DOGE and is not siding with those who clearly don't want information turned over. This is literally a dispute between the executive branch leadership (including the Secretary of the Treasury) and the so-called deep state (which otherwise is difficult to define).
There is nothing in the constitution that provides for anyone outside of those in charge to be given the choice of which government employees should have access to information and data and which should not. But this is basically what is happening here. A handful of "states" sued Trump and DOGE arguing that they posed a "risk" if they were given access to Treasury department payment information. That somehow there would suddenly be a risk of "hacking" or something if people were given access to the data. The order treats the department as if there is some legal justification that the asylum is ultimately run by the inmates rather than the Warden and guards.
I cannot imagine this sort of order can possibly be upheld as it works it's way up the chain. Right now the Justice Department is working with a different judge to get the order itself altered while one assumes the whole thing will be appealed (and eventually won on merit by the Treasury department).
Lastly, and I think this is important, the issues being raised by DOGE are not necessarily unknown to rank and file Treasury workers. Many of them have raised the same issues in the past and have been told by previous management to put a sock in it and continue to just do their jobs. This involves billions in payments that go out without proper coding (codes that determine the type of payment), proper ID values (social security or tax-id), or even a reason for why those payments are being processed. So it is very likely that even the rank and file treasury workers are on board with this oversight and not on board with the "states" who are suing and the judges who are ruling.
Federal Government employment is nothing more than welfare for those who would fucking starve and be homeless if they had to work a job that produced actual intrinsic value via quantifiable results.
And a way for Donks to launder campaign contributions
I wouldn't lose any sleep over this as any and all of these decisions by these 0linsky-appointed asshole hacks will be overturned by the USSC.
You don't need to be a graduate of Harvard/Yale Law, or even Howard Law to know that one does not get to unlawfully interfere with the Executive Branch carrying out it's official duties.
What really needs to happen is the dissolution of these lower circuit courts. Courts put in place at the time to shield the USSC from having to deal with too many issues brought before them. The left, as they are wont to do, completely corrupted the circuit courts to do their bidding.
Currently they are 'fucking around' stage, and the 'finding out'…