Remember when the left always touted these types of letters as proof positive that whatever the writers stated, must be true and followed to a T?

Nice to see that some military leadership believes in something other than a new woke military, which is pretty much what the current people running our military seem to care about. Instead of worrying about whether or not we have a military that can engage at a time when half the world seems to be fighting, we seem to be currently worrying about whether or not the correct gender pronouns are being used and making sure we don't have too many straight white males running around being straight white males. Lord forbid.
The fight that our military is created for is in a warzone somewhere. It is not about how someone had to "fight" through something in their own personal life. Not that those fights are not important to individuals, but they tend to not be important in combat. Our military is not just another government job where you put in your time, and retire with a pension. It is quite literally people training to become soldiers to defend a country, something that seriously seems lost on way too many people today.